Milk and Multigrain Sandwich Loaves


Basic, wonderful bread is made from very few ingredients, but one look at a grocery store package will show you a different story. Many of these are preservatives that you don’t want in your body or in those of your family. There is almost nothing better than fresh bread, hot out of the oven. Learn how to make your own bread, homemade bread is wholesome.

Halal Ingredients
Pre-requisite: None
Method: Demonstration and hands-on.
Start time : 2 pm
Duration : 3 hours
Venue : 401 Macpherson Road, #02-11/12/13 Macpherson Mall, Singapore 368125.

Basic, wonderful bread is made from very few ingredients, but one look at a grocery store package will show you a different story. Many of these are preservatives that you don’t want in your body or in those of your family. There is almost nothing better than fresh bread, hot out of the oven. Learn how to make your own bread, homemade bread is wholesome.

What you will be learning :

• List and describe the ingredients and their function.
• Produce Milk sandwich loaf dough.
• Produce multigrain sandwich loaf dough.
• Scale and shape dough into loaf tins
• Proof and bake dough to a satisfactory standard
• Bake Milk Sandwich Loaf
• Bake Multigrain Sandwich Loaf
• Cool and store baked loaves in an appropriate manner

What you will be getting :

• Printed recipe for Milk Sandwich Sandwich Loaf
• Printed recipe for Multigrain Sandwich Loaf
• Delicious and healthy sandwich loaves you have created.
• Awesome knowledge about bread making.


31st May


2pm – 5pm

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